Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Brunch: Beach Session

We went down to the beach last night and had a fire, it was nice. I probably had one too many glasses of wine...hence the breakfast. I don't usually make breakfast, unless we have a guest and we do. Our good friend is staying with us...he leaves in a couple of hours. This is a tofu scramble with dilly baked potato wedges and fresh salsa.

I pulled out the Tofu Xpress that I got in the mail the other day...and squished all the water out of the tofu. I got a good cup worth of water out in a matter of minutes! The Tofu Xpress is heavy has a big spring that pushes all the water out. It made the scramble texture really good, I used medium instead of firm.

The potatoes wedges I baked in the oven, drizzled with sunflower oil and sprinkled with dill, garlic powder, sea salt and freshly ground pepper. This time of year I  get my potatoes from a vegetable stand on the side of the road, I think its an elderly couple that lives there? Its a pretty cute set up, just a small red stand and they put at the end of there driveway with a price list. Its on the honour system, they just leave a can out. I really like where I live.

Here are a few of the pictures we got of our beach session.....something we do a lot.

Our Oceans and beaches are precious.

 beautiful bubble gum clouds

Ocean having an sunset swim

having a nap


  1. Tofu Xpress! I need one!!! We ate tofu almost every day this week, that would have been handy.

    And I LOVE the idea of dill with the potatoes, how did I not think of that before...

    Looks like you had fun, beautiful pictures!

  2. I love that nap picture. So precious. I am growing antsy...I want a tofu Xpress for reals.

    nice meal for your company. GO tofu scramble!

  3. Nice pictures love the bubble gum clouds. This looks like a good quick breakfast dish. Love the dill potatoe wedges.

  4. TofuXpress? How neat...never heard of it. :)
    That's an awesome breakfast for a hangover morning...mine would have just been a banana slathered in almond butter and thrown on a plate or something... ha!

  5. bubble gum clouds...i love that :) great blog! makes me hungry
